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Dream Job

As my friends (and wife) are all very well aware, I’m a car guy.I love BMW’s. I follow NASCAR. And Formula 1. On a recent business trip to Germany, I got to tour the BMW factory in Munich. I’m also an engineering guy. It’s what I do. It’s what I love to do. So it’s […]
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Critical Link at Design West

Last week, I spent three days in San Jose at Design West (the renamed Embedded Systems Conference). While the show seemed much smaller than it has been in the past, there were still plenty of interesting things to see, including a training session on how to “program your very own wireless mesh networked propeller beanie […]
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One More Reason I Wish I’d Taken Touch Typing

While over the years my keyboard skills have gone way beyond simple hunt and peck, there have been a few occasions when I wish I’d listened to Mrs. Crabtree in ninth grade when she advised everyone to take touch typing. One of those occasions was when I saw a piece by Andrew Liszewski on “invisible […]
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ASICs? Souped up FPGAs? You decide.

Rick Merritt had an interesting article over on EE Times a few weeks ago, and it’s a good springboard for any debate on whether FPGAs with cores for communications systems are replacing ASICs in the comms systems world. Rick’s article came on the heels of an early March announcement from Xilinx in which they talked […]
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Testing. One, Two, Three Testing

There was an interesting article by Anil Khitolia on EDN a few weeks ago on LTE Stress Testing.  He started out with a fast fact that I found pretty shocking – a claim that 15-20% of smartphones are returned.  Anil attributes this to lack of rugged testing: Current wireless industry standards require device certification or […]
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TI – Critical Link White Paper on Machine Vision

At Critical Link, we work very closely with Texas Instruments, and I had a recent opportunity to co-author a white paper with TI’s Asheesh Bhardwaj, a senior applications engineer. The topic is machine vision, a technology that is becoming increasingly important, and one we’re hearing about a lot more often from our customers and prospects […]
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H.265 is coming. What will this mean for encode and decode engines?

Earlier this year, Tech Crunch reported ­on the ITU’s approval of the H.265 standard for streaming video. The goal for the new standard – a.k.a. HEVC (for High Efficiency Video Coding) – is that, with better compression techniques, high quality HD streaming will be possible for those in bandwidth challenged areas, and/or relying on mobile […]
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Smarter than the average basketball

We’re in Syracuse. This time of year, this means that we’re really, really, really focused on basketball. I’m writing this a bit before March Madness kicks off, but I’m pretty sure that The Orange are still in it at this point. Maybe this is even our year, though the way they have been playing lately, […]
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How well does SO-DIMM stand up to shock and vibration?

Critical Link’s System on Modules use a SO-DIMM connector, and we sometimes get asked just how well this type of connection will stand up to shock and vibration for applications that really get a workout.  This is a good question, and if the answer were “it doesn’t”, customers with apps where there’s a whole lot […]
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How the MityDSP got its name

Every once in a while we’re asked how the MityDSP – the original member of Critical Link’s Mity family – got its name.  Were we paying homage to MIT? (Or to James Thurber’s Walter Mitty, but forgot to add a second “t”?) Does “mity” have some special engineering meaning that only Critical Link was familiar […]
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